I’m Back – Jan 1996

Dear All,
I hope you had a good break. I decided to write to all of you at once because of time restraints and because I know that I’d be saying the same thing to each one of you. I hope this doesn’t seem too impersonal. As I write we’ve just been through our first major snowstorm of the year here in Nashville. We got about 3 – 4 inches which may not seem like much to you northerners. But it is a major problem down here when you factor in the fact that we don’t have as many salt trucks to get the roads clear. We get this much snow about once every five years. The snowstorm came on Saturday night. My family was snowed in, so we missed church the next morning. I wasn’t sure if I’d get back to school on Monday, but I was able to catch a ride with my dad. (I have very little experience driving on icy roads).
My break went really well. The highlight by far was my ski trip to Paoli, Indiana, on Dec. 28th. I went with a Kentucky church group that I know from going to summer camp with. This trip was unusual because I was one of the only ones in the group who had been skiing before. This kept me busy most of the time giving ski lessons. After all of the ski lessons I got down to really skiing. I tried my first intermediate (blue level) hill for the first time – and I didn’t have too many problems. We skied all day until about 8:00 or 9:00pm – and I didn’t get back home to Tennessee until 2:30am! Even though I was extremely exhausted, I had a great time. If you haven’t been skiing before, try to go sometime.
Christmas went well too. I got pretty much everything I wanted or needed. New Year’s was good too. I spent it at a friend’s house with a small group of friends – nothing spectacular or anything. But it was still good to be able to see some old friends.
I am not ready to be back in school. The break just didn’t seem long enough. This semester will probably be the toughest semester ever. Here is what my schedule looks like:
COBOL (computer language class) 7:30am Tues. Thurs. Even Friday
Contemporary Political Methodologies 8:50am Tues. Thurs. Even Friday
Christian Evidences 8:50am M W Odd Friday
Macroeconomics 10:00am M W Odd Friday
Foundations of the 20th Century (History class) 12:30pm Tues. Thurs. Even Fri
Christian Living 1:40pm Tues. Thurs. Even Fri.
Even though it’s just 14 hours, some of my classes are going to be very hard. I’ve heard horror stories about macroecon. And my history class will have a great deal of reading and papers to do in it, but my history teacher is a very good teacher. Along with classes I’ll also be working around 10 hours a week helping people in the computer lab. I’m still working on my major, Government and Public Administration – it’s sorta like a Political Science major with less philosophy and more of a concentration on government. My minor is still Computer Information Systems.
If you want to get in touch with me other that e-mail, here is my address and phone #:
Yes, I’m still living in the dorm this semester.
I hope you have a good semester. Write back soon! I can’t guarantee that I’ll get back to you soon, but I’ll try!