Hello All,
It�s once again time to try and get all of my correspondence caught up by sending a form letter to you. I know it�s a little impersonal, but it�s so much more efficient for me. Anyway to let you know what�s going on in my life: I am graduating from Lipscomb University in August. I will participate in a graduating ceremony May 3, with all of the other May graduates. But I won�t �officially� graduate until I complete one more class this summer. I will have a BS degree in Government and Public Administration. My minor is Computer Information Systems. I don�t know what I�ll be doing once I get a job, but I hope to have one dealing with computers.
Things have been much more hectic this semester compared to last semester. I�m taking 17 hours which includes a internship. My internship is up at the State Capitol where I work in Representative Steve McDaniel�s legislative office. He is minority House leader from Henderson County in West Tennessee. It has been a learning experience. I have found that it takes a lot of time and patience to be a state legislator. You have to learn to be nice to constituents also. Through this internship I�ve learned that political office is not for me, so that is why I am desiring a job in the computer field.
Speaking of computers, my e-mail address will be changing. It will change to after May 3. I still should be able to get mail through the summer through my DLU account. But after the summer it is anyone�s guess to whether or not I can get anymore mail. If your e-mail address is changing (i.e. you�re graduating, transferring, changing ISP�s), please let me know.
I also have a homepage up on the internet. It is located at http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/4551/jeff.html
If you haven�t checked it out yet, you might want to. I have put in some precious time into it and I hope that you enjoy it. Stop by and sign my guestbook.
As far as this summer goes, it is anyone�s guess to what exactly I�ll be doing. I will probably help out at my church�s summer camp (something I�ve done for the past 4 years; how could I stop now?). I will be taking that lone class I have left in order to graduate. It is a research class where I have to write a 50 page paper on a topic having to do with politics. I think that we don�t even formally meet.
I certainly hope things are going well for you. If I haven�t heard from you in a while, PLEASE write me back. I would love to hear from you. Sometimes the only contact I have with some of y�all is through e-mail. Anyway that it all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.