Yesterday I had a minor fender bender on my way to work. It was totally my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going and rear-ended a lady while turning right onto a busy street. No one was hurt and the cars where not in bad condition at all. In fact, it really can’t be called a “fender bender” because nothing was bent. We basically traded paint on our bumpers. The lady was very nice and understanding about it. I hope the situation will be worked out soon.
It seems like everytime someone makes contact with another car on the road, they have to report the accident or exchange addresses. This ties up traffic and is generally a big headache for everyone involved. I do have a solution to the continuing problem of these minor traffic accidents. Why not have NERF cars. “Nerf,” in case you don’t know, is a spongy substance used in kid’s athletic gear. Since it is so soft, there is no chance of anyone getting hurt. Instead of making bumpers out of plastic which can scratch if anything touches it, why not make them out of NERF? That way, your drive to work would be fun, no one would be hurt over minor fender benders and no one would have to stop in order to exchange addresses and insurance companies.
(Please note: this is a tongue in cheek approach to traffic safety. No one really wants NERF cars. But in a perfect world, it might do just fine 🙂 )