It’s been a tough week. On Monday I attended the funeral for Elizabeth. It was very fitting. There were over 1000 people there in the auditorium of the high school she attended. We sang songs such as “It is Well with My Soul,” and “Blue Skies and Rainbows,” just like Elizabeth would have wanted. All of us tried to put on a happy face to this, but deep down we are hurting. A couple of the high school band members played taps at the burial service.
Then there’s the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. This seems like something out of a movie. Seems so unreal. I was at work when I found out about it. I went down to the cafeteria where there was a large screen tv with CNN on. Several other workers were there watching in disbelief. After a while, I began to feel unsafe in Nashville and headed home to work from home.
Just about all of the cable channels were broadcasting something having to do with the terrorist acts. TNT and TBS had switched to CNN coverage. MTV, VH1, and TNN switched to CBS News coverage. The Home Shopping Network and QVC suspended programming for the day. Walt Disney World was closed. We had a special prayer service at church Tuesday night. Afterwards we watched President Bush’s speech on the big screen, which had managed to tape while the service was going on.
I have found that there are some very evil people in this world. I can’t began to understand why someone would do such a terrible act.