Afghanistan’s Most Unfunny Home Video

Well the Bin Laden tape has finally been released. Seeing it for the first time yesterday was chilling. While having dinner Bin Laden is laughing about the September 11th attacks. He even said that some of the terrorists didn’t know it was a suicide mission until they boarded the plane. I have got to wonder what kind of person laughs about this type of stuff. What I saw on the television yesterday was the face of pure evil. I’m sure many of these terrorists living in their caves in Afghanistan have never met a non-Muslim before and probably never journeyed outside of the region. Many Middle Easterners in the region are saying it is fake. So I guess even if Bin Laden got on Al Jezeera TV and said undoubtedly that he was behind the Sept 11th attacks, some people would still not believe him and continue to worship him as some type of freedom fighter. Or either they would somehow try to justify Bin Laden’s actions in their warped little minds. I guess there are some people you just can’t reach.
I’ve added another section to this ever expanding website…..a complete list of concerts that I’ve been to. I know many of you have been dying for this type of groundshaking information and I apologize for keeping it from you for so long. But seriously the weird thing that I noticed was that I attended a R.E.M. concert on September 11, 1995.
There is a commercial that is shown frequently on the local cable channel. It is for Midsouth Hyperbaric Chambers. Obviously they are advertising their services of providing irons lungs for people to breath pure oxygen. Anyways there is one particular endorsement in the commercial. This lady says “Thanks to Midsouth Hyperbarics, I’ve got my daddy back!”…all the while her dad is sitting beside her looking dumbfounded into the camera. Not to be mean or anything, but I have to wonder what her dad was like before the iron lung treatment. And I’m really not trying to be mean or anything. My heart goes out to people who have to go into these hyperbaric chambers in order to lead a more normal life. I just think that the commercial should have been scripted differently so as not to provide for such awkward moments.
Given the choice between a station wagon and a minivan, I’d have to go with the station wagon as my grocery-getter. Minivans are literally everywhere. In this sense they have become uncool. I’d pass on the minivan and go for a Caprice Classic station wagon instead, if not just for the retro purposes. There is nothing like the memories many of us have of loading up the station wagon and heading to Florida on vacation.
Still no Christmas shopping for me…yet. Family, if you are reading this, let me assure you that I still plan on going out. I hate shopping. It is such a hassle to fight the crowds. Christmas has become so commercialized lately it has become disgusting.