Christmas is 2 days away.

Christmas is 2 days away. It sure doesn’t feel like it. The weather has been very mild. A few days ago it did get a little cool at night. But otherwise it has been uncharacteristically nice.
On a related note, it looks like Paoli Peaks ski area might be open on December 26 or 27. I know they must be loosing alot of money, not being able to open on Christmas Day. If they are open, there probably will only have one hill with any type of snow on it.
I cleaned out my closet yesterday. I’ve thrown away alot of junk from college, but I’m still keeping alot of it. Among the stuff I found was a Crystal Pepsi Bottle.
I’ve placed some photoshopped pictures on the web. Alot of the pictures are of my friends and acquaintances. They probably won’t seem as funny to you unless you know the person.