There are two different dream scenerios which I am prone to have.
The first dream I’m back in school. Somewhere between high school or college or a hybrid of both. Much of time it is high school, probably because I spent more classroom time there.
Usually I’m trying to find a classroom. Unprepared for a test. Last night it was a little of both. After finally finding my class, I came in unprepared for an essay test which had a bearing on scholarship money for college. After a series of hurdles…can’t find my pencil….having writers block….I turned in a poor test essay.
They say that dreams of school, especially when you’ve been out of school for a very long time (10 years out of college for me), indicate that you feel you’re being evaluated in your personal or work life.
The second senerio has to do with church. Usually something outrageous or wrong is done or said in a public worship service (usually my home congregation). Usually nothing is said. And there I sit, expecting someone to say something…anything but no one does.
A couple of nights ago the dream was something entirely different. During a public prayer someone made reference to a rumor, which could have been considered slander. He was promptly escorted offstage.
I am not entirely clear on what these dreams at church mean, if anything. It may mean that I think something is wrong at church and I’m the only one who is concerned. Or the latter dream it could be that I’m concerned about doing something wrong for fear of spiritual retribution.
Your Dreams meant earthquake!, just wondering if you felt it?