With the recent terrorists attacked in Paris brings push not to allow Syrian refugees into the United States. Yet not one of the terrorists were Syrian. Rather they were all European nationals.
Let me tell you of my personal experiences. In September I vacationed in Budapest, just after the refugee crisis which stranded hundreds of refugee at the Budapest train station. While I was there I visited the Budapest Church of Christ who happened to be helping the refugees by supplying the trainloads of migrants with basic food and health products. This is what Jesus would have done in accordance with Matthew 25.
Even further back when I was a college student I gave rides home to elementary and middle school students who were studying English as a second language. Many of them were Kurds. I was happy to help.
So maybe I’ve got a soft spot for international people who have nothing. Maybe I’ve got a world view of things. Maybe I see how much we as Americans are blessed and wish others could somehow build themselves up with just a little assistance.
And yet I see so call Christians, even in some cases ministers putting quotes like this on social media.
“Not ONE more Syrian refugees!”
Simply amazing. Completely unwelcoming. Completely unChristlike. Bordering on being the actions of the priest and Levite in the parable of the Good Samaritan. By putting a stamp on all Syrian refugees they have classified all Syrians as suspect and borderline criminal. Prejudices still rule today, even in the pulpit of the church.
Their argument against accepting more Syrian refugees? “Well homeless vets need our help much more than the Syrians.” As a counter to this I’m not even sure those people so strongly for homeless vets have even thought about or given a significant amount of money or time to help homeless vets. Yes, when they say “We need to help homeless vets…” what they actually mean is “You need to help homeless vets….”