During my late teen years and early 20s I attended church camp with my home congregation. During those years I could just about place money on which camper would go forward during the invitation song and confess whatever sin they committed during the past school year. We would then pray and then have a huge hug/cry session to aleve the pain.
I think these people were hooked on emotionalism. When they are put in a highly emotional situation they react. However once the emotionalism fades, so does their faith.
“Lord, Sometimes I Just Don’t Feel Saved,” is the title of a book by Michael Moss. And sometimes we feel we need to have that special feeling somewhere in our own heart that lets us know that we’re saved. Once that fades some feel they have to go forward to renew their committment.
Time and time again I have seen the same people go forward over and over at church confessing real or imagined sin, while other people, people who NEED to go forward sit back on their pew and consequently engage in sinful activities on days other than Sunday.
Sadly, or maybe more appropriately realistically, the newness and geniuness of a Christian life has somewhat faded, mostly through negative life experiences with past jobs and church. My relationship with God hasn’t changed. However seemingly this whole hooked on emotionalism has been placed in the backseat and instead utilitarianism has taken its place. I’m not knocking emotionalism. I think for some people it has its place. But what I would like to see is more logic. Logical people examine themselves and ask “Is there anything I’ve done lately that would put me in an unsaved position?” If yes, then change your behavior.
My my… how time flies… It’s been a long time, Jeff. I’m sorry I haven’t really kept up all that much over the years, but do know that even though I haven’t spoke to you in about two years, I still remember you and your Bug… and everything else.
So I guess my first question is this; What’s been up ever since I last spoke to you?
Finally, before I go, I’d like to say that I never intentionally wanted to stop talking to you… but around that time, my dad happened to mess our computer up… and I didn’t really get a chance to say anything back to you, so therefore, I just waited… and now, I finally remembered to say something… so basically, I’m sorry for being distant…
But, if it makes you feel any better, I’m proud to say that I’m still in church and am a healthy young man of 18…
Yet I’m still in high school as a senior…
But anywho, I just thought I’d stop by and see if maybe I could start up the friendship again where it dropped off… so that I can have some guidance and support from a friend of long ago… sorta like a mentor, but with the friend string attached…
Anywho, until next time, Later, and God be with you!
Matt H.