Churches and Contests

I should probably preface this post by saying my family has been extremely blessed throughout the years.  Rarely have we scrapped by living paycheck to paycheck.  My parents stayed together therefore I have no experience with being part of a single parent family.  I have great admiration for those single moms who keep their family faithful to God and go out everyday to be the sole breadwinner for the family.  I’m not trying to be critical of their situation with this post.
This popped up in my Facebook feed last night.  It makes me a bit uncomfortable….especially the part about the requirement that in order to enter the contest, the single mom has to register by attending services.  First and foremost worship is about glorifying God.  Our motive for worship should only be about a humble offering to God, not trying to win a contest.  If we attend worship with the first thought on our mind as to win that SUV we are no better than Simon offering money to Peter in Acts 8:18.

Secondly trying to win a SUV is borderline coveting goods, even if you really need it.  It is a selfish motive.  I realize that a good used car could really change a single mom’s life, but I am not sure the church should be in the business of running contests.  Just like I frown upon Bingo at churches.  The church’s first obligation is to glorify God and spread the gospel.  Some would say that giving away a SUV is a way of glorifying God, which could be loosely applied.  However I’m just really uncomfortable with this idea.  There’s got to be a better way of helping all people in need without running a contest.  For example find out which single mom needs it the most and give it to her.  Maybe someone without a car and barely scraping by.

I realize this church might have pure motives, but I just questions the ways and means of carrying it out…with the requirement that the winner attend a worship service.