It’s called slacktivism


  1. actions performed via the Internet in support of a political or social cause but regarded as requiring little time or involvement, e.g., signing an online petition or joining a campaign group on a social media website.

This popped in my Facebook feed today.  The school shooting in Marshall County was a tragedy, no doubt.  I understand the need to show support to the victim. But I fail to realize how wearing blue and orange will make a significant impact in regards to preventing this.  Why not volunteer at a mental health facility?  How about knowing the warning signs when someone is going to become violent toward others?  Give money to those affected by the shooting.  Give blood in someone’s name.  These are more important activities than just wearing a certain color on a certain day…which will be forgotten 6 months from now.  Remember when we wore orange and blue?  Remember when we really made a difference?  No, because simply wearing colors does not make a difference in the long run.