Yellow Ribbons

I’m glad someone else ( ) doesn’t like them either. For me, it is not the fact that they are made in China. It’s that putting a magnet on your car has somehow become “trendy” in today’s society. I hereby refuse to follow the crowd just because something is trendy.
I fully support our troops. I know that their work is hard and difficult and is not something that I could do easily. I just think something else could be done rather than putting a magnet on your car. I wonder how many of these magneted cars have drivers who write to their soldiers…I’m talking a real personal letter (not email) or sending a care package to their troops. And I’m not saying that they don’t already. I’m just saying that this trend will soon end and where will our troop support be then? Are people still going to be supporting our troops in the DMZ in Korea who have been there for 50+ years? Or is the Iraqi War just trendy enough to put a ribbon on your car?