The Swan

Lately I’ve been watching the Swan on Fox. The premise of the show is that they take ugly women and give them nose jobs and lyposuction and make them beautiful. Or what the world suggests as beautiful. What I find interesting about the show is the amount of self confidence these women feel after going through this. No doubt they really like themselves. Many of them go through therapy to deal with issues of the past.
The transformations are incredible. Tonight they took a plain looking self conscious woman and made her into a truly beautiful woman.

“I wanna be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights.”
The Breakfast Club

Somehow sometimes I get inspired at times to change my appearance. I’ve thought about going to the gym. Starting to jog. Setups each night. I usually get semistarted, but never get finished. Exercise is just not my thing. Sometimes I really want to change my whole appearance. To quit being that skinny kid from high school who everyone seemed to always make fun of. I could grow into a hulking exercise guru. But somehow I figure my frame isn’t built for it.
The truth is I don’t like my appearance. I never have. I’ve been told many times from overweight people that they’d give anything to be as thin as I am. Then I want to scream at them and tell them it aint quite cracked up as what it looks like.
I’m happier with my physical appearance more than what I was in high school. This could be because I’ve gained a bit more weight since graduating college. Who said there was a freshmen 15? I never gained much weight in college. I’m eating fast food for lunch most every day. I suppose that will put on the pounds. I’m hovering at around 125 these days. I only eat when I’m hungry. Sometimes that could mean having 2 meals a day.
Anyways maybe sometime I will take some type of inituative in changing my appearance to make me like myself more. Maybe now is the time.