First of all, I’d like to thank Bill Speight for jumpstarting my spiritual life during the formidable teen years. (Bill was my youth minister) Those years could have made a difference over whether or not I’d be a Sunday-morning-only type person or what I am today. There is no doubt that I am heavily involved in church activities. And that heavy involvment came from those youth years. For a while me and half a dozen other friends made up the core group of young people at my church. Sadly I am one of the few from my class who are left at church. I don’t know why that is.
It’s almost as if the kids in my youth group went away to college and forgot to go to church. No one was there to wake them up on Sunday mornings and get them to church. Eventually they dropped out. Or married someone from another religion and ended up somewhere else. Doh! What were they thinking? I mean everyone thought we’d still stay together. Nope. Things change. It’s starting to sound like that Offspring song “The Kids Aren’t Alright” but not as harsh. But ultimately eternally it could be harsh.
What a wonderful gift this is. To be able to serve God to the best of my ability. To be given the opportunity to be a Sunday School teacher or to lead youth devotionals. Wow. Heavy stuff. Good stuff. But heavy.
I am learning to work with the kids at my church. I have been with them for about 2 years. At first I had to get them comfortable with me. We have built great friendships. I only hope that I can influence them to keep going to church even after they move onto high school and college. I saw a really awesome program on TBN the other night about evagilizing to people and thought you might be interested in the site. I meant to visit it this weekend, but haven’t had a chance to visit it yet. The program was a great motivator (SP) Sometimes I really don’t know how to approach people about how great God is, and this program gave some good ideas. Kirk Cameron is a big part of this program and site.
You know Jeff only in the last couple of years have I really gotten involved in improving my relationship with god. My wife and her parents were a big push in that and I can’t thank them enough.