The Pope Vote.

Lucy, prepare the secret ballots.” It’s Pope votin’ time.
Just a few weeks ago Pope Benedict XVI resigned saying it was due to poor health. Other observers say it is due to scandal. We may never know, unless some butler steals the Pope’s private papers again.
The Catholic church has always intrigued me. How can a church that claims in direct communication with God, yet be so far away from original Biblical teachings? No wonder you never hear of anyone converting to Catholicism, unless they marry into the faith or are born into a 3rd World country.
They see their leader as a direct line of communication with God. The only problem is that Catholics seem to elevate to the Pope to a god. At one time pilgrims kissed the foot of the pope which, others have pointed out, is not following the Biblical example of not worshiping God’s messengers.
They still kiss the ring of the pope, saying its a matter of respect. There are others that say it’s the worship of idols, just as the children of Israel fashioned a golden calf while Moses was on Mt. Sinai.
How can one church, who have had so many problems still claim Biblical authority and guidance. Some of these problems include:

And if you’re Catholic. I’m sorry….that you’re part of a church which has moved so far from God’s original intent for the church.