Without repeating my last entry, I want to delve into an examination of why young people leave the church.
I’ve known countless numbers of my peers who no longer attend church. It’s heartbreaking for myself. I recall those times where our faith was strongest…on those lock-ins, devotionals, retreats and summer camps. Yet somehow the belief evaporated somehow.
Much of it comes from an act of rebellion against their parents. For these people religion is seen as a list of rules which mimic an overbearing parents’ rules. Perhaps these people grew up in church which could be seen as too legalistic. Once someone gets away from their parents, it’s a time to sow their wild oats. And somehow these people never really make it back into church, making bad habits habitual.
I’ve known other people who are just plain lazy. They can’t make it into church for even the late service. These people aren’t all that heathenistic, they just aren’t committed. Part of the problem might be because their parents weren’t all that involved in church activities.
Another reason is because those who fall away let sin take over. Once sin takes over it’s difficult to admit wrong and return to one’s first love.
Whatever the reason, it’s heartbreaking to hear of friends who are no longer faithful. God’s grace is never ending and always available. I hope and pray that eventually all of my wayward friends find a way home.