The 10Cs again

I’m kinda dreading things tomorrow. I’m supposed to stop by and show a computer novice how to update their website. What the likely scenerio is I’ll show them how to update it, the person will initually understand it, but forget how to update it when it comes time to make changes on their website later on. Nobody ever said webdesign was fixed up in a nice neat little package. There are so many steps and variables involved in it. If a person doesn’t necessarily understand computer OR is unable to follow specific directions, then it doesn’t really do me any good to show them.
Then there’s the 10 Commandments controversy again. A friend and I had a long instant messenger discussion on the whole subject. My friend’s justification for it was the 10C’s historic precidence…that our basic western laws are based on it. Something that I would probably be likely to lean toward. However specifically only 30% of the Commandments are laws are in our country. The others are either overtly religious or just good positive living (thou shalt not covet). If our laws are based on it, then 100% of the 10C’s would be found in our laws, and that just isn’t the case.
I’m not for taking morals out of government. I guess its the package in which these type of morals are put in place. You don’t need a 5,280-pound monument and a state justice saying he’s the new MLK to have morals or God’s laws in government. My problem is that I think those supporting the 10C’s in the Bama Court are doing it as a knee jerk reaction. Like sheep being told what to say and what to do, they stand up there and make a huge show over it, without actually sitting down and thinking why they are doing it. If you have a good reason (such as the historic precidence) for supporting the display of Ten Commandments in a public place, good for you. Otherwise if you are just following the crowd then you are doing it for the wrong reason.
I think there were about as many protestors as cameramen up there. The Commandments monument was originally put up there overnight. If something is so right, then why would it need to be placed there in a clandestine sort of way? Judge Moore may indeed be a publicity seeker.
I do take part in a discussion board run by some conservative friends of mine. Lately the entire discussion board has been more or less news about the 10C’s. I’ve thought about posting my thoughts on the matter, however I figure I’d probably be jumped all over for espousing an opinion different from the usual that you’d hear on Foxnews. Ever since I was called hypocritical for listening to instrumental music in my everyday life and worshipping with accapella music, I’ve shyed away from posting there.
I guess ever since I was threatened to take this website down, I’ve always been kind of skeptical toward religious matters. I find myself questioning things alot more often. Why is it wrong? Because you say its wrong or because God says its wrong? Its sorta sad because a certain amount of trust has been lost in the dogfight. I question people’s inner motives alot more these days. It may be something that I never stop doing.
[update 8/29/03]:
“Get your hands off God, God haters!” Ah yes. Somehow the 10C monument has become God in some people’s eyes. Isn’t there something against this in Exodus? Golden calf? Does that ring a bell?