Rockvale, TN

Visited Rockvale Church of Christ to hear Tim McHenry preach at a Gospel Meeting. Darrell found out about it through an ad in the paper. The topic tonight? Hell. And Tim handled it in a way I didn’t expect. Much of it was based on Jonathan Edward’s description in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” without all the predestination stuff. More or less hell is a soul’s seperation from God. I was expecting a physical description of hell. Not so. Pretty much all Tim described was the fire. And more or less just mention it in passing.
Rockvale is a growing congregation. 245 in worship last Sunday morning. And its a rural church. Outgrown its building. Their auditorium holds about 150 at the most, so they have close circuit tv in other rooms elsewhere. We should do that. I hear they are looking into it.
Rockvale is going to have their ground breaking ceremony at their new church building site soon.
Afterwards Tim, Connie, the kids, Darrell and I went out to the Murfreesboro’s Bellacino’s for pizza. Good stuff. I’m glad I kept up with these people. They’re great friends.
Darrell has been thinking about going back to school. History major. To teach in the high schools. I told him to go for it. Who knows? It’s a whole new career change.
I have been thinking about a career change since this IT stuff just isn’t working out. Preacher? Youth Minister? I’d like to do that. The problem is that I don’t have the enthusiasm or zeal it would take to be a youth minister. Plus to be honest with you, some kids get on my nerves. It would be difficult to play nice guy to everybody. Preacher? Well you have to put up with a lot of junk in that type of job. I might crack under pressure. So its probably not for me.