On Current Events and Church

When I was in high school I can remember being in what I later described as the most poorly prepared Sunday School class ever. I felt as though the teacher came up with the lesson while walking up the stairs to class five minutes before class began. This was a class of mostly redneck boys in high school who didn’t really know any better. I desired the meat of the Word. What I got was whatever was happening during the current events was discussed with little or no Bible verses to back it up. Probably due to this poor planning and fickle approach to God’s Word it is not surprising that many of the students in that class are no longer faithful.
I see worship service and Bible study as a haven to the wall to wall news coverage we find on CNN and others. I’m here to dwell on spiritual things, not as a forum for debate. That’s why I cringe when political issues like Chick-Fil-A is brought up in the adult Sunday School class I attend.
I realize that Jesus mentioned current events like the Tower of Siloam in Luke 13. Some people are looking for Biblical answers to today’s problems. However current events and church just don’t mix for me.