Stopped by Fountain Head church’s VBS tonight. Alot of the kids pointed out to their parents that the judge was in the house (namely me). I’m the judge of the cleanest cabins and all that at camp. I guess I carry that title with me eternally…or until the next camp.
Anyways the people there were all extremely nice as always. It is truly nice to be able to go elsewhere and find friendly people there.
It was Mission Possible. Guess that must be the theme for VBS’s everywhere these days. I’ll probably head up to Corinth and find it there too. Christianity is the Possible Mission. Grain of a mustard seed and all that. Moving mountains by faith instead of making mountains out of molehills. You can do amazing things with just a little bit of faith. And I need faith these days.
So Mt. Juliet’s VBS has been going on this week. 308 and 304 yesterday and today respectively. I’ll predict we’ll have 400 by the end of the week. Maybe. The next door neighbor’s kid came with us today. I barely know her. She seemed to have a good time. Maybe the seed has been planted for her too. I don’t know.
Our theme is “Egypt” or “Treasures of the Nile” or something. I’ve been fairly clueless or just not listening to the lessons. Treasures of the Nile? Is that the story of Moses? Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? I’m not totally sure. All I know is that I got back from church camp and found a pyramid in front of the church. There are pool toys everywhere in the church building. There must have been a run on the alligator floats at Walmart or something.
What I’ve found is that VBS hasn’t changed much since I was a kid. Except the kids have cokes instead of punch. They’re still giving away 3 cookies only. The 3 cookie limit still stands to this day. I guess with so many kids, you have to limit it or you’d be spending alot on cookies.
Anyways folks. It’s time to sign off….