Setting Himself Up for Disappointment

Rating Frozen Pizzas. I always enjoyed Tombstone Pizza myself. I got hooked on Tombstone after taking a free sample at the local Kroger’s. Occassionally they’ll have a special “2 for 5 dollars” which everyone would stock up on. DiGiorno? Well it’s not as good as the commericals make it out to be. Kinda doughy in places.
One thing I wish Tombstone would do, would be to have a small pizza about as half the size of the standard size pizza. I can eat a half all by myself. And it seems like cooking a whole and then throwing the other half away is just a waste.
Todd Burka’s picture pages have been updated with new captions. Take a look. It’s slightly amusing.
Scott Burka has updated his webpage too with an account of his tryout with a drum and bugle corp, the Bluecoats. Scott seems really intense about this drum corp thing. I hope he isn’t setting himself up for a disappointment. His brother, Todd, had asked him what were his alternate plans if he didn’t make it in to the band. He wouldn’t give him a straight answer. So let’s hope he makes it. However sometimes I think he might be better off not doing the summer band thing. Living on the road and performing every other day is a rough life. Probably not very conducive for a Christian life. Scott’s a good kid. I hope he isn’t selling his Christianity short. But then again, it’s really none of my business what he does.
One thing I’ll be doing at New Year’s Eve is watching a rock concert at the community center put on by church members. Am I the only one sees an emperor has no clothes phenomenon in this? Case in point – usually they play one Incubus song…”Drive” and a bunch of Led Zepplin songs I’ve never heard of. If you want to impress me, play some hit music. Play songs I know. Then again if it is their band, they are certainly welcomed to pick their own music. Anyone can make up a band…Blink182 told us that. Putting a good rock band is another matter altogether.

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