“Once You See Someone’s Soul…”

We got tye-dyed t-shirts at the retreat. These were done professionally, so all the colors were bright and the shirts looked good. I got a basic blue one. We had a very colorful worship service Sunday morning when everyone wore their shirts. We had blues, yellows, oranges and rainbows. It reminded me of this quote:

“…they see past your color, they see your soul… once you see someone’s soul, it’s like a rainbow, you see different colors.”
-Teck, Real World Hawaii

Yeah it’s a lame quote from a lame TV show. But somehow those shirts mimicked how we are….we are all different in our own special way. I’ll have to post a group picture to show you the bright colors of the t-shirts that I’m talking about.
I must say ever since Phil took over the youth ministry at church, the quality of the retreat and camp shirts has improved greatly. These tye-dyed shirts are probably the best I’ve seen. Definitely stands out in the crowd.