In the middle of a Jam Sandwich

Should I ruin a good thing� by inviting Mt. Juliet’s youth group to Taylor Christian Camp next year? Will the whole space time continuum be disrupted? Dogs and cats living together….mass hysteria. But seriously I am not sure if the MJ crew would mesh together with the Taylor folks. Both seem set in their ways.
I am apprehensive that if the MJ crew were to go and do something highly disruptive and asked not to come back…would I be able to come back to TCC? Who knows. In this day and time where church politics and disagreements seem a certain as death and taxes, you can pretty much guarantee a missunderstanding in one form or another.
MJ’s parents have a peculiarity of bringing home their kids early from camp on Thursday night. There is so much more you could do if everyone would stay the duration of camp. That extra night for devotionals…. I don’t know why it is encouraged or seemlingly popular among the kids and parents. You paid for 5 and a half days at camp. You should stay the entire week.
I have been told to take MJ’s camp in stride. Nothing is really planned out to a tee and things can change at the last minute. While I understand that some things can’t be planned for, I want some type of order to things. Am I expecting too much? To be honest, last time I went to camp with MJ when they were by themselves….’96 and ’97….it wasn’t exactly jump-up-and-down scream-and-shout type fun. It had its moments, but there was just something missing.
On another aggrivating note, Comcast and Alwaysonline have once again decided they can’t stand each other and won’t connect. This means I can’t view my webpage nor any other webpage on Alwaysonline. This usually lasts for a few hours or sometimes days before it is corrected. The very reason that I can post to this webpage shows that other sites can see this, just not me. The drones at Comcast seem to think it is my computer’s problems, while I know that it must be their problem. My mom is pretty anxious to get her company’s webpage up and running. It’s hosted by Alwaysonline, so there is no chance I can get it up and running right now.