Anonymous Fame

My friend Mark got that MSBlast worm. Called me up Monday night asking about it. Took me just a few minutes to find out it was a relatively new phenomenon on the net. (Thanks Google) The references to it on the usenet were very recent. I pointed out some good resources on the net as an attempt to fix it. Hopefully it will.
Anonymous fame. That’s what these script kiddies are after when they write these viruses to exploit Window’s venerabilities. Anonymous fame. Sounds like an oxymoron. They want to secretly say that it was them that did this, but ultimately they can’t gain too much fame for it or they’d be prosecuted.
Let’s talk RAM. I didn’t know there were so many flavors. RDRAM, SDRAM, non-ECC, ECC. It’s all very confusing. It’d be much easier if there was one universal type of RAM which worked with all brands/models of computers. However that’s not the case. Found that out when I tried to put in a generic piece of RAM into a Compaq. So you have to be sure you get the right type or you’re stuck with a useless stick of chips. My guess is that the computer manufacturers don’t want you to upgrade. Instead they’d prefer you buy a whole new computer. You can extend the life of your computer just by upgrading the RAM on it. It’s just a matter of finding the right type of RAM.