Audio Visual Ministry

I help out in the audio visual ministry at church. My job involves displaying the lyrics to the songs on the big screen in the auditorium during worship services. Lately I’ve had some middle schoolers ask me if they can come up and help display the songs on the screen. The display runs on a computer browser, so most of the kids are familiar enough with the internet to know how it works. I don’t mind them being up there. I just don’t want it to become the hang out place for middle schoolers. I don’t allow more than one up there at a time. If they decide to come up there, they will work and learn something about the visual screen. They will not be allowed to come back for several months. I don’t mind them wanting to learn about how the screen works, I just don’t want it to turn out to be something they do in lieu of sitting in the auditorium for worship.
Apparently word has gotten around about it. Without even advertising it, 3 kids have already asked about coming up there. I guess controlling things on the big screen is pretty cool, even in middle school.