Sunset at Taylor Christian Camp
Author Archives: Jeff Whittle
Pac-Man Arcade Machine
Pac-Man Arcade Machine
Sunset with knockerballs
Sunset with knockerballs
Knockerballs at camp
Knockerballs at camp
Caprice at camp
Caprice at camp
On Chrysalis
Back in high school I was certain (in my own mind) with my faith. I was even so much as subtly combative toward people who did not worship exactly like me. I can remember leaving pamphlets on my friends’ cars about acceptable worship being only acappella music. This of course did not sit well with my Methodist and Baptist friends, all of which went to churches which used instrumental music in worship. We had some talks and debates about it, none of which really solved much.
One thing that I did remember was that my Methodist friends were very attached to their reunion groups formed after their Chrysalis experience.
Chrysalis is self described as “a three day spiritual weekend [which] provides an opportunity for young Christians to learn more about faith, to experience Christian love and support, to worship, to pray, and to freshly understand what commitment to Jesus looks like through discipleship and fellowship with God.”
From what I gather Chrysalis was a life changing weekend for some, where faith is challenged and grown….and where one can ask themselves where they are going and what God has in store for them. Afterwards participants (Graduates?) were invited to participate in “Reunion” meetings.
There was a sub group within my group of friends who had completed Chrysalis meetings. They wore metal crosses to school and made a point to carry around their Bible at school. I’m not sure if I saw them reading it. They just tended to carry it. They would talk about scheduling their next reunion meeting and tend to have inside jokes and things which I didn’t understand.
What my friends forgot in their striving to feel fulfilled, they forgot to be inclusive of their other Christian friends. I didn’t get invited to their meetings, quite possibly because I never went through their program. But at the same time I was (rarely) never invited to any of their church activities. It might have been because I was combative toward them. I did make a point to invite them to Bible studies and worship. Sometimes trying to prove a Biblical view; other times trying to open dialogue. Honestly at times I don’t even remember my drive or justification.
I’m going to attribute my friends’ lack of evangelism and my striving to win arguments rather than open dialogue was both due to immaturity in Christian faith. Now one cannot expect that a high school student is going to be fully mature in faith. I myself am still growing in my faith and learning what God wants for me.

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High School Reunion
Last night was my 25th high school reunion. The reunion planning committee had been planning this for months. We’d get mails and Facebook notifications of the steps and progress. They did a great job with the venue, food and trying to contact everyone to get them to come. I suspect we had around 60 alumni there plus spouses and significant others.
I must admit that I was feeling kinda nervous in anticipation to the lead up to the reunion. What is refreshing was that everyone I spoke to was cordial. But I didn’t really see anyone that treated me harshly in school. Those people had since moved on and were not in attendance.
What is unusual is those social media post from alumni saying “I wish I could have been there.” I’m thinking that they’ve known about this for months. Apart from starting a new job or having a sick child with no babysitter you really don’t have an excuse not to be there. Deep down inside I think people might want attention for not being there…maybe.

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