I tried to sleep in…really, but my biological clock woke me up early. I ended up getting up at around 7:30 AM. Breakfast was served at another location around the corner from my hotel or residence as it is called. The usual breakfast fare included cold cuts, cereal, fruit, and bread. Unfortunately there was no way to toast the bread so I ended up making a sandwich with the cold cuts. Also ahead cookie crisp cereal. I have found that this type of cookie crisp cereal is never a chocolatey as the ones I’ve tried in America. I noticed a sign that stated the cook would prepare an omelette if you asked. This was confirmed as I saw an older lady ask for an omelette. I asked our host for a ham and cheese omelette and she said that she could do cheese but no ham. This really befuddled me as ham was already on the breakfast buffet. If it was a hassle for them to cut up the ham I’d be happy to cut it up myself and toss it on there while they were cooking the omelette. But to keep everyone happy I was satisfied with just cheese omelette. Now it wasn’t exactly the best omelette but it was filling which is something I needed because there was no toast being made.
I went back to my room and packed my backpack for the day. I noticed the go Pro tripod mount had broken. I guess I’ll have to order a new one from eBay. I don’t necessarily use the extension stick for GoPro filming but sometimes it helps to be able to film an unusual positions using that selfie stick with the tripod mount.
I figured before I checked out I needed to see if anyone was there at the reception desk at Casa Luxembourg. Casa Luxenberg is the reception desk for the Huet residence. I walked by there and I guess the same host was in charge of breakfast which was not completely over yet. So I decided to tour around the town.
The set up of Sibiu is similar to Brasov, but in a smaller scale. However I do believe Sibiu has a much larger main square of the two. I took several photos around the town before going back to Casa Luxembourg. This time she was helping an older couple that seem to be asking a lot of questions. It seems Casa Luxembourg also doubles as a tourist information center.
So I went back out and took some more pictures. This time I did manage to find the city walls and towers without actually sitting out to look for it. Unfortunately the wall was not accessible as the stairways were locked. Still it made for a good photo opportunity.
Knowing that I needed to check out by 12 noon I went back and the host was not busy. She explained that I could just leave the key at the residence front desk which remained unstaffed. I asked her if she could call and make tour reservations at The Romanian parliament in Bucharest. Reservations of this nature can only be made through a phone call which makes it somewhat of a hassle. The host called the reservation number but it was busy. She said she would try later on in the day.
I decided to Tour St. Mary’s Cathedral. As I approach the cathedral there was a small food market including local honey. I thought to myself would be interesting to try and take it back in my suitcase which would be a near impossibility.
The lady who met me at Saint Mary’s Cathedral said that the main part of the building was closed for renovations but I can visit the chapel and the tower. It seems like you’re up is continuously in a state of renovation. Too many times I’ll find a picturesque scene online and journey there only to find ugly construction curtains which completely ruined The photo opportunity.
St. Mary’s Chapel is skippable. However in the tower has a view that is incredible. At the top there were at least two pigeons trapped as they had flown in open windows and we’re unable to find their way out. There is only one window in each corner that opens. There’s a sticker on the window at that instructs do you or us to shut the window when they get done. The pigeons seem to follow me around from window to window. I finally realized that the pigeon has a homing instinct to try to get out to the fresh air rather than being left the store in the tower. When pigeon actually did manage to get out as I had left the window open and just ducked my head when the pigeon flew out.
From my perch I noticed a large Cathedral which was not on my tour guide book. I decided to check it out since I knew the general direction of where the church was located at.
I found my way there and immediately noticed that it was a orthodox church. How did I know this? I had seen orthodox churches before in Latvia. Orthodox churches are unique because there are no pews and everyone stands during the service. So I guess when the song Leader says “let us stand,” he really means it in Orthodox churches. Then again I’m not too familiar with the types of songs they sing orthodox churches if any. It could be Gregorian chants.
While inside the church I saw a handful of individuals making the sign of the cross and silently praying. While I am impressed with their dedication a part of me is saddened that they do not know The simple gospel rather than this whole pomp and circumstance that orthodox and Catholicism relies on.
I had some time to burn so I decided to go by the city walls again for an up close look. In the wall behind the wall there was interesting graffiti including a guns and roses quote from November rain.
I was getting hungry and decided to try and find lunch. On my way from the train station to the hotel yesterday I smelt some good pizza. So I went looking for that particular pizza place. The pizza place was having a buy one get one free but I told the waiter that I would not be able to get two pizzas and instead he should only cook one. Unfortunately The menu was not a la cart. So I ordered a ham and salami pizza. I thought I had ordered just a small pizza but the calzone the waiter brought out was huge and I knew I could not finish it. Had it been a familiar pizza like Pizza Hut or Papa John’s I probably could’ve finished it. But this one was strange tasting. Not bad but just unusual. Paid as much as I could and paid my fee which ended up being 38 Romanian lei. This was one of the more expensive meals that I had purchased but it is still cheaper American standards.
The time was 1:30 so I had some time to kill. I tried to find a pharmaceutical museum but was unsuccessful therefore I went to the natural history Museum. The museum itself is nothing to write home about but I can understand why this area would have a need for it since it may be the only hands on exhibit showingprehistoric creatures. In the front lawn of the natural history Museum there was a triceratops model which came in nicely with the medieval tower in the background.
Next I decided to find the history Museum. On my way to the history Museum I stumbled upon the tourist flea market area. After looking over several magnets I discovered a small framed artwork which I purchased. I also tried saying thank you in Romanian to the shopkeeper which came out OK.
The Museum of history is also nothing to write home about. But it gives some perspective to those needing it.
The Museum of history has a coat of armor and several firearms on display which they keep locked up for security purposes.

It wasn’t quite time to leave so I decided to head over to the bridge of lies. The bridge of lies is traditionally referred to as the place were lovers go and pledge their love for one another. So the tradition says that if the bridge creaks then all I was told. However now the bridge does not creak anymore because it’s made out of concrete. I made a few videos about it I decided grab my luggage and head toward the train station.
I made small talk with Isabella who had been so kind and helping me out before. Isabella was The receptionist who met me last night and showed me to my room.
Before heading to the train station I decided would be best to backtrack towards the subway to grab dinner as I thought most restaurants will be closed whenever I got to Sighisoara. The subway workers were confused that I did not want the combo and they could not give me a bottle drink if the combo was not purchased. Secretly I think that getting a bottle drink actually saves them money as there are no refills which are in Play win the combo with a fountain drink is purchased.
I almost ate my Subway sandwich while on my way to the train station but I figured it would cause for an acrobatic act, trying to maneuver a backpack, the suitcase and the subway meal. Therefore I eat it whenever I got to the train station.
There was a beggar with only one leg there scooting around on his knees asking for money. Just as I set down to eat my Subway mail I believe security asked him to go outside rather than harass people for money. So he went out to the tracks which technically were still on train station property and his audience was captive.
Once I finished my Subway sandwich I decided would probably be best for me to try and get another drink to refresh me on my way to Sighisoara. So I hurriedly Took my luggage and went to the nearest supermarket about a block away to get a Fanta Orange.
I made it back in time and figured I should probably go to the correct platform. There was a train already at the platform three and I had wondered if that was the train else’s post to be on as it look like it wasn’t going anywhere. I watch several people get on the train and I almost asked one of them if this was the train to Sighisoara. Finally one of the train representatives got off the train and confirmed that this was the train I was supposed to be on when I showed him the tickets.
This Regio train is the slowest of all the Romanian train system. It stops at every little small train station on the way but this was the best route I could find. There is no assigned seating so I tried to find a row without another person in it.
I ended up sitting with a young college student who out later found out spoke English fairly well. She took classes in Sibiu but went back home to Medes on weekends.
At the second stop a few construction workers came on board. Not wishing that they should stand the whole way I offered up my seat which my backpack was in to allow for them to sit down and still allowed me to sit. One of the construction workers held a 2.5liter of beer. I had never seen beer and a bottle this big. And he was passing it around to the other workers and even poured it unsuccessfully to a used bottle to another worker. He didn’t necessarily smell of alcohol but it’s somewhat concerned me that he was drinking this much beer in one sitting. But who am I to judge? And someways I’m thinking that anybody who drinks that much beer is probably an alcoholic. He offered to help me put my backpack up above the seat in the luggage rack but I had a lot of electronics in it and I opted to hold onto it.
Now this train is a dilapidated German train with cracks in the windows and graffiti sprayed along the side. At this particular state where Phoebe was on the outside of the window therefore I did not have a clear view of the stations. Eventually the construction worker found another seat for me stating that I could see you out in this seat. I was kind of glad he found that seat as I was kind of feeling awkward with him drinking that much beer around me.
The construction workers got off at another stop. Then a few stops later of very few amount of adults and a ton of children got on. You could tell the children were poor because their clothing was dirty. Also several minutes into the trip a few of them were begging for money. I felt bad not giving them any but I figured if I gave won some money word would get around and I would be pestered to death. One of the adults reminded me of Carol Burnett’s character in the movie Annie. She seemed pretty mean and even gave a couple of the kids spankings before the trip is all over with. The kids were tossing coins at the step to waste time. I thought for sure they would try to pick pocket me so I kept an eye on my pockets. But they didn’t and they were off by a couple stops later.

After what seemed like an eternity we finally stopped at our final destination. The
train had been really hot. I later found out that my candy bar head melted into a chocolate puddle but luckily the wrapping kept it watertight there for my backpack remained untouched.
I got lost on my way to the hotel but a kind gentleman help me out even though he did not speak any English practically. My hotel room is one of the biggest Hotel rooms that I have stayed at in Europe. It’s even big by American standards. It has a fancy old Timey bathtub with the option of showering.
Tomorrow I will tour Sighisoara, which should only take half a day so it will be a down day for me. Hopefully I can try to find a place to rest before catching my train back to Brasov at 5pm.