Somehow if they could bottle the energy and spirituality of church camp to relive it year round, it would priceless. We’d end each night with a devotional and singing of hymns under the stars. We’d know we were loved by our heavenly Father and fellow Christians. And I wonder, for those who experienced church camp as a child or teen, and now life seems to get in the way, would they go back to camp? And for those lost in this world who feel unloved what would they give for one more night of singing at church camp?
The photo above conveys how small we are in the world and even at camp itself. That’s the whole camp, that is the kids. At first I was zoomed in to get a sense of being there in with the group. However then I decided to stand up on a picnic table to get a full view and it turned out nice. I like the purple on the horizon gives an impression that there is more out there in the unknown, maybe as a allegory to the future to these campers of the rest of their lives.
Thursday night at camp we had our late night singing, this time inside the main cabin. I had inadvertently positioned myself at the front of the main cabin with the campers facing me while they sang. In their faces I saw folks who love God and love to sing. I began to look at the campers and imagined them growing into Christians adults with the teachings at Sunday school and camp as a base in their beliefs. I saw tired eyes but passionate singing. It was almost as if all of those in the room had a purpose to glorify God.