I found out about Duck Dynasty through social media. I have friends who are members of the church of Christ. I also have friends who are rednecks. Subsequently, I have friends who are redneck members of the church of Christ. So I hear about Duck Dynasty frequently on all sides of the spectrum.
I sat down and watched an episode. Like most reality based shows, the episode seemed forced, with the storylines made up. This is the same reason why I don’t like to watch shows like Pawn Stars and Hardcore Pawn.
Since I kept hearing about Duck Dynasty so often, I began to be repelled by it. I thought to myself “Oh no, another Duck Dynasty post?” “Quack?” This all came to a head this weekend when Duck Dynasty members came to my alma mater, Lipscomb University, as part of Don Meyer’s Evening of Excellence. All of my friends, like ducks to water, were going….and posting about it on Facebook. Promotional video is below announcing their appearance.
And what makes them so popular among church going people? Apparently their moral stance; their family values, and their prayer at the end of every episode. Conservative Christians love that. Members of the church of Christ love that the Duck Dynasty stars are also members of the same church.
Please note, I’m not knocking Duck Dynasty due to their moral values. I think there should be more shows on TV which portray moral values. I’m just sick of hearing about Duck Dynasty everyday. Duck Dynasty will wither and fade, and where will one’s faith be? Hopefully still as strong as ever. It has been reported that Duck Dynasty stars have baptized fans. And I wonder are the fans truly committed to be faithful Christians or did they get caught up as the ultimate act of groupies.
Author Archives: Jeff Whittle
That red x
I’ve been seeing the hashtag #enditmovement pop up in my social media lately. When I did some Googling I found the organization’s webpage, which seems VERY basic. There seems to be limited action on what exactly they are going to do to stop slavery. Instead they rely on the user to click through to other websites to do research on their own.
One of the major problems with my generation and the subsequent generations after mine is that we are very lethargic toward actually doing anything. In short, we are lazy. Many people think that simply by changing an icon on social media one is making a difference. They crave that warm fuzzy feeling one has at the end of the day thinking they truly made a difference in the lives of a slave in a third world country.
The photo above seems to be contrived, so forced. The guy on the left seems to be holding up his fist thinking he made a difference today, without necessarily knowing how the basic economics of charity work.
Those who disagree with me would argue that writing an “x” on one’s hand raises awareness of a cause. Raising awareness is immeasurable. It could be huge, slight, or nothing at all. Sometimes the social media awareness campaign can have a negative effect. One harkens back to the #kony movement of 2012. The movement itself received criticism for oversimplifying the problems of the Lord’s Resistance Army.
Remember Livestrong bracelets, magnetic ribbons, or the AIDS ribbon? The AIDS ribbon is the grandfather of useless flare. On Seinfeld, Kramer refuses to wear the ribbon calling the charity worker a “ribbon bully.” Kramer, always a subscriber to the counter culture movement, does not want to wear the ribbon simply because he is told he has to. Instead Kramer chooses to actually do something, that is get family and friends to pledge monetary pledges through an AIDS walk. I can’t agree more with Kramer.
What these slacktivists must realize is that changing one’s icon on social media is not enough. Charities need time and money which are two things college students aren’t likely to give up very easily. So instead they go to sleep at night thinking they made a difference by writing a red x on their hand, changing an icon or writing a hashtag on social media.
Birthdays on Facebook
This past week I celebrated my birthday…both in person with family and friends and virtually on social media…primarily if not exclusively, Facebook.
Now some people might enjoy getting Happy Birthday wishes from people they haven’t spoken to in 20 years. Yet somehow I found it quite creepy. Has this become the extent of our relationship? A lone birthday greeting once a year? Do some people feel obligated to log on to Facebook each day just to check on birthdays and wish them well? Is that the extent of some people’s social media activity?
And yet I got more out of people wishing me happy birthday in person or through a card. Facebook is so fickle.
That red equal sign
Last week in conjunction with the Supreme Court hearing cases involving gay marriage conflicts, many of my Facebook friends changed their avatars to the image to the right. During this whole experience I found myself growing more and more angry because of the profile photo changes.
While I understand the tendency to choose one side or another I do believe people have various reasons for changing avatars. These include:
- Bandwagon jumping – some people have a tendency to get caught up in the moment without necessarily thinking things through.
- Slacktivism – Thinking one is doing something to make a difference…like changing your Facebook profile picture, but in reality it does very little at all. Remember the last time this happened?
- Rebellion against the way they were brought up. Liberal children of conservative parents. “My parents hate that I’m liberal? I’ll show them!”
- They truly identify with being gay or lesbian. (This is really the only legitimate reason for doing this. The rest is all just pandering.)
As a Christian, by moral reasons I cannot support sin. God’s Word is very clear that homosexual acts are sinful (Romans 1:27). As a Christian, I do not rejoice in sin. Rather we should flee from sin (1 Cor. 6:18).
It is disappointing that many people who claim to know the Bible completely brush off the Bible verses which condemn homosexual acts. Also I find it disappointing that many people try to point out obscure levitical verses in the Old Testament which justify stoning, when the Old Testament law isn’t even effect anymore (Colossians 2:14).
I simply wish that those who support homosexuality confirm that they are going against what the Bible teaches. In short, quit trying to have your cake and eat it too.
However homosexuality has become the “go to” sin which the majority of Christians can agree is wrong. When ministers preach a sermon on homosexuality, he is pretty much preaching to the choir. What is not emphasized is that gossiping (backbiters in New King James language) is put in the same category as homosexuality. (Romans 1:26-32). Yet Christians have a tendency to demonize homosexuality and brush off gossiping, as they are guilty of the latter themselves.
But where churches have failed is they are not showing love to homosexuals. Instead when out of church, many Christians tell gay jokes and bully those struggling with homosexuality. And yet we read in 1 Corinthians that some of the early Christians were homosexuals, but repented of their sin.
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
–1 Corinthians 6:9-11
In short Christians need to quit bullying homosexuals and try to work for a change of heart. The love of God knows no bounds. God loves the sinner. He is willing that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9).
Homosexual supporters too need to be careful on what words they use against Christians. Calling a Christian a “bigot” is incredibly insulting considering the good that Christians have done for humanity over the years. Sure, Christians had the crusades and other terrible acts. But they are also responsible for caring for orphans and setting up hospitals. Using the word “bigot” or other strong language from either side is counterproductive and will only serve to alienate both sides.
The Pope Vote.
“Lucy, prepare the secret ballots.” It’s Pope votin’ time.
Just a few weeks ago Pope Benedict XVI resigned saying it was due to poor health. Other observers say it is due to scandal. We may never know, unless some butler steals the Pope’s private papers again.
The Catholic church has always intrigued me. How can a church that claims in direct communication with God, yet be so far away from original Biblical teachings? No wonder you never hear of anyone converting to Catholicism, unless they marry into the faith or are born into a 3rd World country.
They see their leader as a direct line of communication with God. The only problem is that Catholics seem to elevate to the Pope to a god. At one time pilgrims kissed the foot of the pope which, others have pointed out, is not following the Biblical example of not worshiping God’s messengers.
They still kiss the ring of the pope, saying its a matter of respect. There are others that say it’s the worship of idols, just as the children of Israel fashioned a golden calf while Moses was on Mt. Sinai.
How can one church, who have had so many problems still claim Biblical authority and guidance. Some of these problems include:
And if you’re Catholic. I’m sorry….that you’re part of a church which has moved so far from God’s original intent for the church.
Poly amourous Relationships
Classic. Couple invites another man into their relationship and then acts surprised when one man is jealous of the other.
Itching Ears…giving them what they want to hear
Pardon me while I do a face palm.
“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” – 2 Timothy 4:3
I have a difficult time using a band’s song in worship to my Lord when their first big hit (Little Lion Man) included a F-bomb as part of the chorus. Worship isn’t about playing the latest top 40 hit before the pastor comes to speak. Worship is a humble offering to God. Need I bring up Cain, Nadab and Abihu?
You want to feel good? Go to a concert. You want to worship our Lord? Go to a sound church. Unfortunately churches have tended to blur worship and concerts these days.
Election Aftermath
These are actual post election status updates from friends on social media:
“If Obama wins, the USA will be no more. He will destroy us as One Nation Under God.”
“There goes our country. What a sad sad day.”
“I’m speechless. I pray to God that America will make it till 2016.”
“And our country is ruined…”
“It’s the end of the world as we know it. God help us.”
And I want to tell everyone to get a hold of themselves. Each and every person above has a roof over their head, a full stomach and is blessed way more than we could imagine. It is simply a difference in ideology (big government vs. small government). These type of gloom and doom predictions are not helping our country. Be willing to compromise, to see the other side’s view.
To my liberal Democratic friends, be careful not to use divisive language such as “bigots” to conservative friends. Them’s fighting words and will not help build bridges to make our country great.
I fear that we are in for more stagnant government that cannot solve problems because the nation is polarized. It’s time to come together, congratulate the winner and work to a better tomorrow.
It’s lunchtime!
It’s lunchtime!
The Lost Generation Part 2
Without repeating my last entry, I want to delve into an examination of why young people leave the church.
I’ve known countless numbers of my peers who no longer attend church. It’s heartbreaking for myself. I recall those times where our faith was strongest…on those lock-ins, devotionals, retreats and summer camps. Yet somehow the belief evaporated somehow.
Much of it comes from an act of rebellion against their parents. For these people religion is seen as a list of rules which mimic an overbearing parents’ rules. Perhaps these people grew up in church which could be seen as too legalistic. Once someone gets away from their parents, it’s a time to sow their wild oats. And somehow these people never really make it back into church, making bad habits habitual.
I’ve known other people who are just plain lazy. They can’t make it into church for even the late service. These people aren’t all that heathenistic, they just aren’t committed. Part of the problem might be because their parents weren’t all that involved in church activities.
Another reason is because those who fall away let sin take over. Once sin takes over it’s difficult to admit wrong and return to one’s first love.
Whatever the reason, it’s heartbreaking to hear of friends who are no longer faithful. God’s grace is never ending and always available. I hope and pray that eventually all of my wayward friends find a way home.