I should never have doubted myself. This retreat this weekend taught me that these kids really need me. I fill a gap in their lives. Sunday School teacher. Mentor. And most of all….Friend. It is much more important for me to build them up by listening to them, rather than trying to be the heavy, disciplinarian. I won’t let them walk all over me. But I will attempt to show God’s love toward them as best I can. It is much easier for me to build them up than to tear them down. And once you tear someone down, it is much more difficult to put right what once went wrong.
My devo which I had stressed and stressed about went very well. I hope they were able to get something out of it. I’m sure they were listening. Some of them even came up aftewards and told me that I was a good speaker. I never thought of myself as a good speaker, but I guess you end up becoming more comfortable with it.
Believe in yourself. Even when others doubt you. Even when you doubt yourself.