I was going through the list of Bible classes at my own congregation updating the church’s website as I normally do. I realized something. I miss good Bible classes. I miss those thoughtful discussions where you don’t even realize the time passing by in your class. Sometimes we are focused too much on covering an entire subject with a certain number of bullet points in a 45 minute window, rather than growing a discussion.
During my teenaged years a handful of us would get together at a church member’s house on Thursday nights for a Bible study. Some of those discussions were the best Bible discussions I’ve had in a while. I still remember some of the topics.
And I must confess something. In larger Bible classes I’m apprehensive about speaking out, expressing my mind, for fear of looking foolish. I’m much more comfortable in a smaller class where I know everyone. But aren’t we all much better off with our friends in a class?
I’m starting to realize why churches with small groups seem to do so well. The tie that binds is never as strong as those participating in a long term small group. I wish I had that. I’m under the impression that there is a small group which meets on my street under the auspices of an area church of Christ. And sometimes I wish I were part of it.