There is no telling how many of my Facebook friends I have had to unfollow during this hypersensitive political time. More so it seems to be those of the 65 and over generation….that is the baby boomers. This the last surviving generation that longs for the way things used to be. It’s the ones who proclaim that all democrats and their policies are evil. They refuse to consider that Trump might have bad policies, have a bad personality, and might be a bad example for Christian to follow.
Instead it’s constant talking points of what Tucker Carlson said….something about how the election was stolen. Pepper in a few Qanon conspiracy theories, and finish it off with being against cancel culture, the rallying cry of all good Boomers…and you’ve got yourself a post by your favorite boomer friend. Meanwhile I’m trying to fact check them, which they stopped believing a long time ago.
What they don’t realize is how much their political posts are hurting the church. You see, these boomers only want good Republicans in their churches. After all one posted how no Biden voter loves America. Then at the same time they proclaim Jesus to their Facebook followers.
They’re talking out of both sides of their mouth. And I can’t take anything they say seriously anymore. Folks please stop with the conspiracy theories and hate toward the other side. It only dilutes the gospel message.