“That song makes us think that from our orbital vantage point we observe an Earth without borders full of peace, beauty and magnificence, and we pray that humanity as a whole can imagine a borderless world as we see it and strive to live as one at peace.”
– Columbia Shuttle Pilot Willie McCool, after his team was awakened Jan. 30, 2003, by the John Lennon song, “Imagine” (Link)
They were playing “Imagine” on Lighting 100 the other day. Then they played that radio transmission from Columbia. Sorta erie in a way. Maybe the shuttle crew knew much more than what they were letting on.
Then again “Imagine” leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe its that line about “No religion too…”
“Heaven can wait
We’re only watching the skies
Hoping for the best
But expecting the worst
Are you going drop the bomb or not?”
–Alphaville “Forever Young”
And that what it’s feeling like these days. Are we going to drop the bomb or not? Are they going to drop the bomb? Radioactive dirty bomb? Who knows? It’s a different world that what we grew up in….
I’m glad we already know how to freak out if the orange alert turns to red. These directives on how to panic have been really helpful. And they said this war was all about oil. Yep. I panic over gas prices rising.