Bowling for Columbine

I managed to catch Michael Moore’s Bowling for Columbine movie via Tivo.
This movie isn’t just about the shooting at Columbine High School. Its more or less an examination of our violent society. Moore contends that it was this violent society that caused Dylan and Klebold to commit their murderous rampage.
The movie dealt primarily with gun control, which is always a hot topic among Americans. NRA members are fearful of their gun ownership rights being slowly taken away. While those who are for some degree of gun control see automatic weapons as being unnecessary for hunting or self defense. I would tend to agree with the latter. It only takes one bullet to kill a deer or intruder. Why is it necessary for the NRA to find a reason for Joe American to have access to such leathal weapons. Falling Down anyone?

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
-2nd Amendement, United States Constitution

I’m of the belief that a well regulated militia doesn’t necessarily mean machine guns for the average citizen.
The movie came across critical of US military actions, especially while interviewing a spokeman at a bomb making factory near Columbine. Moore is arrogant toward some military actions which HAVE to be done to protect our domestic security. The military takes care of business so that I can live in a free society.
Another interesting part of the movie was celebrity interviews. Moore attempted unsuccessfully to get an interview with Dick Clark in regards to a welfare program. Dick refuses the interview and promptly tells and aid to close the car door and drive away. Clark comes across much different in candidly in person rather than how is shown on American Bandstand, New Year’s celebrations, and the $25,000 Pyramid. Dick appears to be a grumpy old man refusing to deal with real life social issues which he might have a hand in.
Moore also interviews Charlton Heston. Moore was granted an interview by saying he was a NRA member (not a lie) and was interested in talking about gun control. During the course of the interview Heston walks away. One has to realize how the mighty have fallen, at least with Heston. Heston was once a burly gun toating action start intemidating people with questions like “Do you feel lucky, punk?” Yet now he is now a feeble old man, suffering from Alzhemier’s Disease.
Moore obviously has an axe to grind with the current Bush administration. I wish he wouldn’t have put up red herrings like overseas war to try to connect it with the Columbine shootings. Moore is particularly unhappy and really should think about moving to Canada or elsewhere if he dislikes America so much.