Burnt on CD Burners

Saturday I went out and got a 40x speed CD Burner for my computer. The church’s computer needed a CD Burner, so I decided to give them my old one (a 4x speed), which gave me a good excuse to upgrade. As usual I went to Best Buy. While I was there the guy in computers tried to get me to purchase a 3 year warrantee on it. He said that due to the heat generated by the burner, made it go bad at a much faster rate. He also mentioned that he had gone through 12 CD Burners. I thought this was a bit extreme. Let’s do the math. The Best Buy guy mentioned that he gets about 2000 burns out of his CD Burners have been out for consumer use for about 4 years, but we’ll say he got his first one 6 years ago. He goes through 2 per year. That’s an average of 10 burns per day EVERYDAY….for 6 years. That is alot of burning. So we can assume one of two things. Either he is operating a pirating software/audio CD factory in his basement…..or he is exaggerating his story to get me to buy the 3 year warrantee.