Our next question comes from Tim:
What do you think about North Korea? They seem to me like the little ant telling the anteater that if he sticks his head in the nest one more time, ITS
TOTAL WAR! I say sanction them and just let them starve. Granted the country and people in it aren’t that big and probably would take a long time to starve, but we have time.
Someone on a discusson board said this:
“North Korea is really starting to remind me of that stupid annoying kid on the playground who would think it was infinitely funny to ALMOST punch you in the face, and when you ducked it, laugh and gloat for hours about how he “made you flinch.”
At times I then to agree. North Korea is like that 2 year old that just wants attention. What do they want? Face-to-face talks with the US and ultimately a non-agression pact. What they just might get is more sanctions. Aggressive behavior is not the way to go about this. Instituting reforms would get better results.
If we do give them food, it is given to the soldiers, not to the starving peasants. So I don’t think we should give them any humanitarian aid.
If North Korea does a 1st strike…launching a missile against one of our bases or territories, no doubt the US Military will blow them off the face of the earth. Seoul might get in the firefight, however it would have been NK’s decision to “pick a fight” with us.
In any case I think North Korea’s time is limited….either through regime change from within or from outside forces.