I just have this feeling that had I lived in ancient Rome, I would have spent more time at the library rather than at the Coliseum.
Yep, it’s been going on forever. Mankind loves their sports. Rome had their Coliseum where gladiators would fight to the death. Today we have baseball, football, and basketball which seem to invade my social media feed and conversation at every designated season.
Friendships have formed; enemies have been made, all to the tune of who thinks their sports team is the best. And most of the time, except for some rare instances where the fan actually attended the college they are cheering for, the actual players have no direct connection with the fans.
Professional sports teams recruit from all over. There is rarely a hometown player anymore. College teams do the same. Fans are fickle in their support, jumping allegiances based on which team is winning at that particular time. This is the precise reason why we see so many Alabaman flags in Middle Tennessee.
And I’ve come to this realization:
If you are a sports fan, then we cannot be [close] friends.
There, I said it. If all you talk about is sports, then there is no real connection. If sports is being spoken about at a party, I leave the room or shy away into a corner. I have nothing to contribute and I despise talking about something so fickle in nature. I’ve overheard football plays spoken about ad nauseum. “Well his foot was within the goal line.” “Well the ref made a bad calls.” I simply do not care because in the grand scheme of things it does not matter.
Please give me a good movie or documentary where the story presented matters.