The Mt. Juliet Arby’s

Who knew the Mt. Juliet Arby’s was the happening place on a Friday night? On my way to type up the church announcements I stopped by Arby’s for supper. There was quite a line around the drive through, so I decided to go in and get it to go. The line waiting at the counter was fairly long too. There were only 4 workers there with one register open. I soon realized it was going to be a while. After about 15 minutes I finally got my food.
You’ll notice the last 5 posts have been done at 12 midnight. Yep, I planned it that way. Yep, apparently I have no life.

Big Storm

There was a big storm that woke me up this morning at 4AM. Just to be sure it wasn’t a tornado, I turned on Channel 5. Poor Ron Howells. He was the lone weatherman stuck doing weather at 4AM for the handful of people who were up watching. Hopefully they pay him overtime.
It’s hard to believe that I was in China just a year ago. I thought May Day would have been a good day to visit. I was terribly wrong. Imagine an entire nation being off for work. The crowds were termendeous. Next time I visit, I’ll be sure to go during our holidays and not theres.
Tonight is free scoop night at Baskin Robbins. Not sure if I’ll drive out there. The word is out there this year, so I’m sure there might be a line for it. Baskin Robbins does give out free samples of their ice cream all the time. Yet now they’re promoting it and will probably give out much more in one scoop.

Electrical Accident

As I was about to leave this afternoon, the electricity flickered, but stayed on. I soon found out what caused it. As I was going on my errands, I noticed a low hanging powerline. As I got closer, I saw what caused this – a semi truck was on the side of the road. Obviously it was too tall to clear the power lines. After I got done with my errands, I returned home. My internet connection was out for a couple of hours. I’m sure it was caused by the semi hitting the powerline. Sometimes stupid people do stupid things. Sometimes it can’t be helped. However the road that the semi was on was very narrow. I don’t think a semi had any business being on that road at any time.

Things Found on the Side of the Road

Here are some of the things I have found on the side of my road during the past few days.

  1. Razor Scooter
  2. Beach Ball
  3. Dead Cat

I kept the scooter and beach ball. The cat is still available if anyone wants it. The scooter was found practically in my yard. I kept watch on it for a few days before finally claiming it. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t taking some little kid’s transportation. The beach ball was in the creek that runs by my house. It is slightly muddy, but has not deflated.

Never go to the dentist on a full stomach

That’s what I did today. Ate a bunch of pizza, then an hour later I went to the dentist. Had to supress my gag reflexes while they lowered my head and thereby propping up my feet. It was the perfect postition for gagging. Otherwise, it was the usual denist visit. The hygenist complained that I wasn’t flossing enough. Does anyone out there actually floss on a regular basis? I didn’t think so….

Absent Minded Postman

I think our postman is becoming absent minded. Today we got not one, not two, but 4 pieces of mail that were not addressed to us. They were for our neighbors. Maybe the postman doesn’t want to check the mail too closely due to this anthrax by mail scare.
I went to Corinth’s Bible Bowl this weekend. It is great to know that there are still some young people who are excited about studying the bible. There was a big turnout for it. Several churches participated.
Alot of people don’t know about the Bert Bin Laden connection. You can read the story here.

The Last Day

Remember those last days of elementary school where they packed away your desk and chairs and everyone had to sit on the floor for the last few hours of school? Well that is how I’m feeling now, only that I’ve got a desk and chair….and computer and phone. But everything else has been transported home. Today is my last day to work in the office. I’ll be working at home from here on out. I’m gonna have to get a cart or something for my huge 21 inch computer monitor. I don’t dare try to carry it to my car by myself.
Today being Wednesday is pizza day. Every Wednesday night it is tradition for my family to have pizza. It started as a easy supper for my mom to fix before we headed off to church. I’ve been eating Papa Johns pizza for the past several months. I don’t know if I can stomach another one. I’m going to try Dominos tonight. Their quality is usually not very good and the people who work there look like they just got out of prison. Unfortunately Little Caesar’s is no more in Nashville. All the LC’s in Nashville closed for some strange reason. There are a few in surrounding locations like Columbia and Cookeville, but those are way too far out of the way to pick up Crazy Bread.

Moving On Up

It’s moving day. This week I’m moving all my junk from the office to the house. It is somewhat reminiscent of those days following final exams at Lipscomb. I’d always wait til the last minute trying to savor the last few minutes with friends. This time is no exception. I’m dreading having to set up this equipment and am spending the last few days at the office. Plus I don’t care to lug stuff back and forth from work to home. I am looking forward to sleeping late and not having to fight traffic.
The retreat last weekend at Short Mountain was fun. Not anything extremely exciting happened. I got lost on the way down there….ended up going to the Warren County line before realizing I was on the wrong road. We did drive up to the firetower for a great view of the valley. Short Mountain camp is a good camp, although it seems a little packed in together.
At the church Homecoming we had 968 people for worship on Sunday morning…just 32 short of 1000. I didn’t see all that many people that I hadn’t seen in a while….mostly people who I had no relation with at the time they were attending…and I have no relation with now. The afternoon service ran a little long. From having gone on the retreat I was a bit tired and almost decided to go home.