“Choose Your Own Adventure” was a set of children’s books geared toward the preteen. I had a few of them, but I always chose the same adventure over and over again.
And yet I look back at my real-life career choices, and things might have gone much differently if I had the mindset I have today. If I had it to do over again, I envision myself as a minister working with a rural congregation, having a part time secular job during the week and preaching on Sundays.
Growing up I was much more of an introvert, with very little speaking skills. And yet today I’ve preached or spoken a dozen times at rural congregations and at youth devotionals. Do I enjoy it? Yes. And yet there is something about the aspect of rural congregations that draw me there. Perhaps its the idea of everyone having a purpose. Everyone knows everybody. And everyone has a job to do.
Why did things turn out as it is now? I guess at that time during those formitable teenaged years I was discouraged by my own self doubt. I saw great speakers around me and thought there would be no way for me to live up to those standards.
And I’ve thought about going back to school to get a graduate degree in Bible. But those passing thoughts never make it further than a blog. No application. No entry. No packing up my stuff and moving to grad school.