Church Announcements

I got up early today to type up the church announcements in Powerpoint to show on the big screen. The guy who normally does this is on vacation. I didn’t mind doing it. I just wish more people would bother to read them. Normally we print out the announcements, show them on the big screen, and then have someone read over all of them during church. It’s all redundant. I’d love to cut out the announcements all together. We have the ability to do additional announcements in Powerpoint right before services.
If there is one thing that our former associate minister, Joey Davis, did well at church, it was the Summer Faith Series. Basically each Wednesday night a fellowship meal is served before church, then a special speaker is brought in to preach a traditional sermon. Before there were some really good speakers from area congregations. Now it seems as if the whole series is thrown together at the last minute with mostly speakers from our own congregation. Its ok to have many of our own members as the special speakers, but it is nothing that would draw in visitors from the outside. We need more speakers from outside congregations.
Then again Summer Faith Series has become as worn out as VBS during the summer months. Seems like all churches of Christ are doing it these days. Maybe this once innovative idea is now just another expected thing.
My state senator Bob Rochelle is thinking about not running for another term. Good riddance if he does. Lately his whole purpose in life is to make sure the government gets more of my tax dollars through his income tax proposal.
Goat has an distinctive #3 marking….Earnhardt fans rejoice….message from beyond the grave.

0 thoughts on “Church Announcements

  1. I think you need to post some pics of Baya and Erika. I think that Baya should be the entertainment at our next church New Year’s Party. Also, I have a vision of having a church email list to send out announcements on during the week in addition to the bulletins and the powerpoint. Sad thing is that no one pays attention to any of these media forms.