Church Involvement

The youth directories were a big hit. We handed them out at the youth devotional tonight. Everyone seemed anxious to get one. I’m glad to have made a small contribution to the youth ministry. Hopefully the directories will be useful.
I went to the El Salvador mission trip meeting. I have to decide by January 11th if I want to go to. Mostly it will be a medical mission trip. Handing out medication. Head scrubs for lice. Pulling teeth. Gospel meeting at night. It would be a lot easier to decide if I knew whether or not I was going to have a job in April. I think it will be rough work. But the same people go year after year so it must be fulfilling in some way or another. We’ll see…
The church is going to hire a education/involvement minister. Maybe it will take some pressure off of David and Phil. Hopefully they can get someone who will have a strong desire to make things better and work well with our current staff.

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