You haven’t seen me in a while. Server problems with the webpage. And depression. Depression is difficult to come out of. I think it happened from a combination of things. Mostly just having a terrible job for 5 months. Things have gotten better since I got a new job. But many times I just feel isolated and alone. I’ve withdrawn myself from friends and spend much of my time in my room staying on the computer. Right now I prefer a virtual conversation via IM rather than a conversation in person.
I wish things could get better. I don’t know if they will. I don’t have much of an appetite. I force myself to eat sometimes.
One thing I really like is my job. I look forward to going to work everyday since it keeps me busy. I feel like I am accomplishing alot at work. And I know I can do my job. It’s weekends like these where the depression and emptiness can get to me. I used to be so much better. Now it seems like I’m a shell of myself.
Sorry to be so depressing. I hope reading this entry hasn’t gotten you down. I don’t mean to.