One thing that’s been notably absent from the late night monologues is the death of the pope. Sinead O’Connor taught us that lesson. Don’t offend Catholics and you’ll keep your audience.
VH1’s Best Week Ever didn’t mention the death at all, only making a passing reference to the audience campaigning to be the next pope. The answer to their arbitrary question of “Who is having the best week ever?” It’s certainly not the pope.
Yet this situation has provided for some good banter around the workplace.
Most notably:
- They didn’t embalm the body. Somehow the verse John 11:39 comes to mind: “..By this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days…”
- The pope’s ruby red “there’s no place like home” slippers. I suspect it was the house that killed him.
- Could the Vatican afford a casket for viewing purposes? Did we need to show the pope…including ALL of the pope just laying out there for the whole world to see? No thank you. I’d rather not see a corpse early in the morning as I eat my breakfast.
- An ongoing questions I’d ask my coworkers each day is “Is the pope still dead?” Yes, he’s still dead. I just checked CNN. I’ll let you know if the situation changes. I guess some people might expect him to rise after 3 days.