Dry Fork

Dry Fork is in the middle of nowheresville. Somewhere in between Tompkinsville and Glasgow. That’s all I know. The church there has a go go gadget pulpit. With themostat and lightswitch enhancements. I wasn’t expecting a Swiss army type pulpit. Anytime you want to adjust the temp, you have to run up to the pulpit change the switch IN FRONT of the preacher. After that I was expecting to see the pulpit turn into a miniature helicopter.
Johnny K. was preaching. That’s why I drove 2 hours up there. Saw some old friends. And some old friends’ relatives. What better way to visit churches I’ve been meaning to visit after a while…than to visit during a Gospel Meeting where visitors are expected. Otherwise it would just very strange to drive all that way for a regular service.
You know, I have driven more often on 31E and 109 late at night than any other street seemingly. And the drive back from Dry Fork was extra interesting. I was expecting to see a deer jump out in front of me. No deer but plenty of fog. Barely passed any cars until I started getting close to Scottsville. It was a strange drive. Glad I didn’t break down or else I would have had to wake up the farmhands.