I spent 2 nights sleeping in the backseat of a Nissan Titan. Rain could have been a problem at Fall Creek Falls, had I been in my tent. I decided not to risk it and found comfort in the truck. The truck was liveable. I’m around 5’10” and the truck was just 5 inches too narrow. The same holds truck for the width of the backseat. I realize that Nissan didn’t design the backseat for sleeping, so I guess I shouldn’t complain.

Fall Creek Falls is a unique place and sometimes I wonder if we as Tennesseans aren’t taking it for granted. Half a dozen waterfalls. Cliffs. Outcrops. Certainly you would not find such a place elsewhere in the world exactly like the state park.
I was asked to give a short Biblical lesson on Sunday morning. I think I did a good job, although I wasn’t as prepared as before. I didn’t need to be.
My only regret this weekend was not being able to photograph, as I was not prepared with fresh batteries. I got 3 photos out of it and you’re looking at one of them.