1. Did you vote in your last elections?
I have participated in every election (local, state, and national) since I was able to vote. I feel it is my civic duty to vote.
2. Do you know who your elected representatives are?
National – Lamar Alexander and Bill Frist are my Senators; Jim Cooper is my representative.
State – Mae Beavers – Senator; Susan Lynn – House Rep.
3. Have you ever contacted an elected representative? If so, what was it about?
No. I don’t think it does any good to contact elected representatives. Representatives already are contacted frequently by constituents and lobbyists. The key is electing someone who shares your views, so you don’t have to worry about contacting them to tell them to vote a certain way.
On past trips to Washington with college and high school groups, I have met with my representatives and senators. Those meetings were fairly pointless, if only to get your picture made with them.
4. Have you ever participated in a demonstration?
No. I like to keep my political views to myself.
5. Have you ever volunteered in an election? What was the result?
During my college class of “Local and State Government,” I was required to put in 40 hours of volunteer service at an election campaign. I helped make signs through a silk screen method. I also placed phone calls to potential voters asking them to vote for my candidate. I now know how frustrating it can be for telemarketers on the other side of the phone. Sometimes people slam the phone down on me. Sometimes they listened attentively as I read my prepared script.
My candidate wasn’t elected that year.
In Other News…
TechTV is slowly dying.