From Dublin to the airport

I sit here at my gate ready to fly home in about 2 hours. I woke up at 5:30AM, got a shower and started packing. Sharon got up at around 6AM. After getting ready we had our breakfast in the shared kitchen area. We took assessment of the food we’d be leaving behind and whether or not we could take it with us.

We checked out at around 7:10AM. We ended up taking the wrong bus going away from the city center. I noticed it and motioned Sharon that we needed to get out at the next stop. With a bit of confusion we did catch a completely different bus number to the city center. After about 20 stops we finally made it and connected to bus 700 going to the airport. It wasn’t an official city bus therefore we had to pay 7 EURO each to ride, which we gladly paid. We were tired of riding all over the place and really just wanted to go to the airport.

We got our boarding passes at the ticket counter and proceeded through security. Ireland is unique in that their two airports which have flights to America, we actually go through American customs prior to leaving the Irish airport.

After security we read the signs to go through US Customs. We entered the area at 10AM and didn’t get out of it until an hour later. There were so many people. On top of this we had to go through security again – but they didn’t x-ray us. Rather they x-rayed our bags and our shoes. So it was security lite. Still it was a hassle because we had already gone through the same thing a few minutes ago.

So now we sit at our gate, tired, but fulfilled in seeing a lot of Ireland. We are anxious to get back home where we will have air conditioning and ice in drinks.