Growing Tired of the Creationism/Evolution Debate

I hate the Sony Mavica digital cameras. I knew image quality on a 3.5 floppy disk wouldn’t be very good. And my suspicious were confirmed when I got a hold of some images from a Mavica. Terrible quality. Grainy. Small. Not worth the price of the camera. You could pay as much as $350 for one of these cameras. Or you could pay the same price for a Olympus C-3000 and get much better image quailty.
As I sat in yet another Creation Evolution seminar session today I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the kids who were there. Here they were suffering through what amounted to a upper level biology lecture. Their parents made them come so they could find out exactly where the dinosaurs came from.
Some people salivate when they get a chance to argue creation and evolution. It’s all a big conspiracy. Those sneaky scientists are always out to disprove I for one don’t believe the scientists had a big meeting so they could disprove creationism. I do believe that scientists are logical thinkers and therefore wouldn’t necessarily believe in a creator.
Attending a Christian college has made be grow tired with these type of discussions. In our biology classes, chapel, and Bible classes I’d hear the same arguments over and over again in regards to creationism and evolution. I don’t care anymore. This has been discussed way too long.