We awoke somewhat early, but slept in just a little bit longer so that we could enjoy our last day to sleep in. The menu was honey buns and OJ. Previously we had gotten a gallon of OJ at Target. I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to drink it all, but sure enough as a write this, we have half a gallon left for tomorrow’s breakfast.
We headed out to Haleakala, a dormant volcano. Going up the mountain you could really see the change in vegetation as we drove up the switchbacks to the National Park. Cattle roamed free close to the road without a fence.

There’s a National Park visitor’s center at the top offering great views when the clouds cleared. The temps were cool and the wind made it seem even colder. The visitor’s center offered a brief relief to the cold.
We drove down the mountain through a very thick layer of fog which was difficult to maneuver through, but we made it though ok.
Then it was back to the hotel for homemade cold cut sandwiches and a nap. I really enjoyed the nap, although I never did make it completely asleep.
We then decided to explore west Maui. Initially I wanted to visit the northwest counter clockwise from Kahulu on the north side, but our guide app suggested going on the south end. Sharon agreed as she was under the impression that the route I intended to take was curvy and one lane at times.
We made it though Lahaina on front street, a major pedestrian walkway with virutually no parking spaces. Next we drove up through some resort towns and then to D.T. Flemming beach.
I really wish we could have spent time swimming at D.T. Flemming beach. It looked like a nice clean park. Plenty of a mature surfers were in the water. One in particular seemed really good and was able to maintain his balance on the shallow end.
Next was on to the Blow Horn, a geological formation of rock where waves cause a geyser like effect periodically. It was great fun to watch it from afar.

We drove back to our hotel stopping to take photos at pulloffs along the way. We ate at Charlie’s Restaurant and Saloon. Sharon had a chicken burger while I had a sausage pizza – it said it was a personal pizza, but it might have well been a medium. Sharon and I could have split it and been satisfied. Now after having ate all of it, my tummy is very full.

Tomorrow is our road to Hana, which is sure to be an adventure.