I think I have found possibly the world’s most poorly designed webpage. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Contest of Champions Webpage: http://www.mtsu.edu/~coc/ Both Shockwave and Adobe Acrobat Reader are absolute requirements for this webpage. Shockwave is way overused. Terrible. It’s almost as if someone got a hold of a Shockwave generator and went way overboard with it. Also, why can’t I just view the results of the band contest in plain HTML instead of in pdf format?
In case you were wondering….or if you weren’t able to view the webpage due to the hefty browser requirements…..Contest of Champions is a high school marching band competition. The actual competition isn’t as lame as its webpage. Actually it’s pretty reasonable. Although as far as getting into the finals, band politics are brought into the picture. Lots of times it’s not how you perform, but who your band director knows.
Speaking of band webpages, the MJ High School band has their own webpage: www.mjhsband.org It’s a good attempt. No shockwave to complain about. However sometimes the colors and background are just difficult to read. I went there looking to see if they would have had their calendar updated. School is back in session and they should know their band contest schedule by now. No updates. Blank calendar. This is becoming a common theme on the net these days. Spend a bit of money to get your own domain and webspace, but don’t bother providing updated information. Argh.